DIG DUG - Tribal Hunter (Hack Rom)
Hello There,
Here's a small graphical modification of the NES port of "DIG DUG".
Sodasorbet helped me a bit with the graphics. While I did the rom-hacking part he mostly designed the new sprites and the blue playable dragon called Dig.
⭐Hi-Score Contest⭐, chance to get some 8-Bit styled pixel art of your character.
-Post with your Hi-Score video as evidence
(If you get caught cheating, I'll block you and deny you from any future contests)
Good luck beating each others hi-scores!
Also I hope you've fun looking at the new graphics we have made!!
So? Where to I get it!?!?!
You can Download the rom patch here;
How do I get it to work?
You'll need floating IPS it's avialable on Windows and Linux (maybe Macintosh), a Famicom or NES emulater (I used FCEUX both for gameplay and hacking) and a no-intro ROM file of DIG DUG for the Famicom, feel free to buy the game and dump it yourself.
Other than that Floating IPS pretty much tells you what to do and don't forget to unzip/ decompress your files first. :D
It would be nice to have some patching instructions...
Sorry, I've added a bit more info and fixed the download link to the patch file